
Live with no Regrets!

What an honor to have as our guests this week: Lainie and Miro from “Raising Miro”! This single mother and son have been adventuring and traveling throughout the Western Hemisphere for the past 5 years in a lifestyle they call: slow-family travel. It’s all about sinking in where you are and letting the culture and surroundings sink into you!

They have been able to have some incredible adventures, but besides the places…….they go on to describe the people who they’ve had the pleasure of sharing time with, and how that’s impacted their outlook on life.

One great piece of advice I loved from the interview…….GO NOW! There’s never an easier time or a better time than now to go. Don’t make excuses, you will learn as you go!  Also, they made the great point that once you’re out of your comfort zone, you can truly learn about the world around you. Good stuff!

Thanks again for taking time with us from Peru, talking with us about the benefits of family travel and best of luck with the Project World-school conference this summer!

 Show Notes:

Lainie and Miro have been blogging since their trip began and it is one of the ways they are able to finance their travels. Please follow their journey at: raisingmiro.com

Something that is very passionate to them is the “World-schooling” model that they’ve been able to live. So much so, that they have built “temporary learning community” and are getting ready for their 2nd annual conference hosted in Peru.  Learn more at: projectworldschool.com

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