plan-simple-meals97- Mia Moran from Plan Simple Meals

Mia and her family are living in Boston, in a fast-paced world. So much of work and life is staring at a computer screen- a never ending cycle making it hard to step back for a bit. Making is hard to take a break. Sound familiar?

The idea of “taking a break” has been slowly evolving in their house and Mia wanted it to work out to be their reality. They talked it though. Slowly got the whole family on board. Made it feel like a team effort. Only then it started feeling more real. The more they shared they’re idea of taking time off, they realized it was possible! It’s not a crazy as it seems.

A couple years before all this,  Mia reached a tipping point and began a journey of discovering the importance of healthy eating. The  significance of what you are putting in your body is HUGE! It’s especially important when you’re traveling and on the move. She talks about the “classic” food coma that comes from eating a big heavy meal, how taxing it is on your body to eat the way we do. She’s since then began eating a Raw Vegan Diet and has never felt better!!

After hours of her time researching and learning, She’s created an awesome website and community on Facebook to make healthy meal planning much more doable for everyday living. And just came out with her first book!!

So combining the book tour and wanting to get out and travel with the Family. Their embarking on their own kind of adventure. Part-Book-Tour. Part-Family-Travel. How amazing to see 2 things work together to perfectly! Mia said when budgeting for the trip she was realizing that once you’re out there and traveling, you stop doing so many of the commitments you’re involved in now that cost money.

We’re excited to do a follow up interview a few months from now and hear how life is from the road!

Show Notes:

Mia says you can connect to everything from their site:
Buy the book, follow along and even connect on Social Media :)

Family Travel Reminder:

There is no right or wrong way to do family travel. If you are passionate about taking a trip with your family, the best thing is to DO IT! Listen to that little voice inside your head telling you this is the right thing. Make it happen! Listen to this podcast and start building your plan today!


If you like the show, or are inspired, there are a couple of ways we’d LOVE to have your help!! It’s virtually painless!

  1. Tell your friends! It will make you seem less crazy since there are TONS of families who are ‘out there’ living and traveling in amazing ways. See? You’re normal!!
  2. Leave us a rating or review on iTunes! It’s super easy, takes a second, and helps this show in huge ways! Our goal is to inspire as many families as possible, and your help gets the show in front of a larger audience.

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