

1 Epic Adventure: 

Talon Windwalker made the decision to take his son and show him the world. What started when planning a 3 week trip to Africa, has turned into a lifestyle of travel. They’ve been able to share some incredible experiences as they travel the world, and took a break to talk to us about them.

One aspect of how they travel the world is through house sitting and it’s a fantastic way to travel less expensively and really immerseinto the country you’re in. They were able to most recently live at a Oasis in the middle of the desert in Morocco, makes for a pretty unusual commute to town for some vittles.

Talon also talked about how sometimes it’s not so much the sights, but having the freedom and flexibility to stop and catch your breath. Sometimes, we as travelers don’t let ourselves breathe as we feel like we have to see all these sights we’ve been dreaming of for so long. Those are rarely the memories that stay with us for a lifetime.

Thanks Talon for taking some time with us!

Show Notes: 1dad1kid

Some resources we talked about during the episode:

Both require you to open an account, but it’s simple, and free to browse. Some house sitting jobs require help with animals, etc, but it’s an amazing way to travel the world!

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