145- Faith Takes Flight

Today on the show we have Heather again from {FaithTakesFlights} to share about how their trip went! We talked to Heather back in Episode 88 right as they were heading out on their RV Adventure throughout the US and are so glad we got to catch up with her again to hear more details about the trip. (more…)

144- Traveling Mel

Today on the show we have Henry and Melinda from {Traveling Mel} to share about their full time travels that have taken them all throughout Europe in the last year. Originally from Montana they left life behind so explore Europe while their kids are at the perfect age!

They share about their route and (more…)

143- Pratt Family Adventures

Today on the show we have Kate Pratt to tell us about her families travels and recent cross-country move across the U.S.

Kate and her husband have travelled in the past before having their daughter, Laurel, but Kate shares how their view on life altogether has changed since having Laurel. They realized they were on the path that most people start down of trying to “check all the boxes” until they realized they wanted something less “normal” and to live a bigger life.


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