18 – Exploramum – A single parent travels the world!

exploramum2Mom vs. Globe!

We’re excited to bring you this week’s episode! Ruth Johnston and her son have taken a plunge that strikes fear into most single parents:   world travel.    alone.   with a 9 year old.   Ruth pulls  it off with a great sense of humor and light touch, as she truly tries to make the most out of the years she has raising her son.


3 ways to get your Wife onboard to Travel


1. Communicate!

Communicate with her….she can’t read your mind.

This sounds like a no-brainer,  but speaking from a wife’s point of view this is HUGE!  The communication has always been great with Erik and I and maybe this is why I was always “on-board”.  When my husband started down the family-travel road. He was reading a book he had gotten from the library called (more…)

Welcome to the blogging Area!

Here is where we’re going to feature all kinds of blog topics related to Family Travel.


Writers will include anyone from the Hemingway family to guest bloggers to Guests we’ve interviewed!


Keep checking back to see all kinds of new content!!

17 – “All Over The Map” – Gap Year World Travel!

Epic Adventures!

On today’s episode, we hear from Paige Conner Totaro about how her and her husband John, and twin daughters, took a step off the treadmill, and headed out for a gap year of world travel; on the road, plane, train, you name it! They planned the first 6 weeks, and made up the rest as they went, not a bad way to go!aotm1 (more…)

16 – Gap Year in Europe with Landshark!

Gap Year in Europe by RV!

Here’s a really cool famiFamily at St Petersly simply doing it……travelling through Europe by an RV that they’d sent over from the US!  Vincent and Martha have spent the better part of a year traveling Europe for a gap year and making memories and experiences that their children will never forget!


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