Homeschool Questions

Some of you may be wondering…”How can I homeschool?” “Am I going to ruin my child education?” “Where do I start?”
Well I’m telling you: YOU can do it!!
These are articles written by traveling families showing some of the benefits to traveling with kids and homeschooling on the road.
Read these testimonials explaining how great travelling can be for kids and their education!!
Long Term Travel As Education – I know, an oxymoron right? How is taking the kids out of school and bumbling around the world going to help them get ahead or further their education. Just that. It will. It gives them perspectives you simply cannot get in a class room or looking at things through the same lenses. Great article from our friends at Edventure Project, listen to their interview as well.
“Taking the Kids Out of School” or “How-Your-Kids-Teacher-Probably-Wishes-They-Could-Go”  – If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it literally a hundred times: “You guys are giving your kids such an amazing education!” At first it didn’t quite feel like it, it felt like we were possibly ruining their education. After having been through several years of world travel, and seeing how they have grown through it, there’s no question. World travel is amazing for kids!
Homeschooling outside of the BoxErik and Rachel spoke at the North Carolina Homeschool convention on this subject. In this workshop, they share how “homeschooling outside of the box” has benefited their family.  They share their travel testimony and how God can use “real life experiences” to shape character, teach valuable life lessons and instruct in academics as a bonus!
Benefits of World Travel – Is bumming around the world going to hinder your kids’ education, slow it down, put them behind when you “come to your senses” and get responsible? Or, is it going to radically change their life and yours and add a dimension of depth and confidence to their education that is nearly impossible to achieve sitting in a classroom? You decide, but this article has a fantastic argument for the latter :) 
Homeschool While You Travel….Keep It Simple!! – Written by Rachel Hemingway about realizing the education kids get while travelling can sometimes beat a ‘book’ education. Great article Mom! :) 

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