Finance Questions

Finance Questions...How? Answered here.

Finance Questions…How? Answered here. Photo Credit

The dough, moolah, cash, bread, whatever you call it, the first reaction to anyone thinking or dreaming of long term international travel is: “Forget it!, we’re not rich, and you obviously need to be pretty well off to travel with a family”
Nothing could be further from the truth! We hope that’s why you’re here, because your at least curious on HOW to make something like this possible. First take a deep breath, and relax with the good news that it is possible. People can plan and save for these adventures, and you can too! It will take planning, and it will take determination, but after interviewing dozens of adventuring families, I have yet to meet rich ones!
imagesDebt the #1 Dream Killer – This is a great article from Nancy at Family on Bikes to encourage you to whittle down debt, as it’s hard to see beyond a mountain you can’t climb over. My favorite quote is: “Debt is paying for yesterday’s dream at the expense of what you want to do today”
How to Become Debt Free – Sound impossible? This is some hard-core tools to dig in and get stuff paid off. If you’re serious, this is a great place to start. From
YNAB – It’s not a swear word, I promise, the word is ‘budget’ and all it means is a plan, not guaranteed misery. This is a great tool to help you get a handle on your finances, and see where money is going, and even better, what you can do about it!
Bumfuzzle is a site of a husband and wife who have traveled all different kinds of ways from driving to sailing. They’ve put together a spreadsheet of their monthly budget to sail here and a monthly budget for road travel here . has a cool travel budget calculator. It’ll give you an idea of how much a short-term or long-term trip should cost you.

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