29 – Love at First Sail

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Konescos’ celebrating Joellen’s 3rd birthday in the Bahamas

Get ready for an action packed episode! We are joined by Jen and Marc Konesco and they are super passionate about family travel! They had a long time dream to check out of suburbia, and ended up buying a cruising sailboat and heading out of Florida. They spent a season in the Bahamas, getting to know their boat and the family travel lifestyle and are currently in Costa Rica, volunteering at an orphanage. Good stuff!


Can I Do This?

You might be looking through these pages, listening to these families, and thinking to yourself: “That’s great for them, they already had: ______, they already knew: _____, that’s how they were able to make this family travel thing happen.”

There are most likely a million, probably more, excuses of why it is next to impossible to overcome the doubt and the naysayers, and simply stay on the path you’re on. I won’t argue with you there, it certainly is easier to continue doing what you’re doing. Chances are you have built a pretty comfortable life, a community, and you’re mid-swing in your career, what’s going to happen to that?!


I also won’t lie to you and tell you family travel is easy. There is simply no way that anyone can convince me that family travel is easy. It is anything but easy. If you are looking for easy, you may as well navigate to another website right now, because that just isn’t the case. Family travel is tough. It’s tough from the first steps, and there are parts all the way through where you a re wondering, “What was I thinking?!” (more…)

27 – Homeschool Travel and How to Live Adventurously!

homeschoolahoyaboutus11This week’s episode is incredible. There, I said it! We get to hear how Lyndy and her family made the leap after many years of dreaming. They now live aboard a sailing catamaran in Eastern Australia, and have plans to head out soon and sail abroad with their two girls. Lyndy and her husband were able to travel before kids, working on mega yachts, but are more excited to share the new adventures with their children and see the world together, an amazing way to raise kids!


3 Tips for traveling with Youngsters!

She was so excited to see water coming out of the ground!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about traveling with young kids under 5 years old is to slow it down. They don’t care about the museums. They didn’t care that we were at the Vatican City. They were excited to see a small patch of grass out front to run and play tag in!

I asked my sister Zoe what she remembers most about our trip to Malta when she was 5- She can’t remember any of the buildings or churches we saw, she only remembers this little water fountain she played in, with her 1 year old brother, while we were scouring the map for a place to eat. That was her favorite memory! Running and playing and getting soaked in this huge, historic courtyard. I think we ended up going to eat and coming back for (more…)

26 – World Travel Family – Brilliant!


This week we hear from Alyson Long from World Travel Family. They left for a 12 month, gap year adventure, and had such a fantastic time connecting and exploring, they decided to continue on! They are currently in London, re-grouping and refilling the travel savings account, and will be heading back out in a few months.


Legal Stuff: Visas

The world is full of red tape, that’s pretty much all there is to it. It can be overwhelming, and unnerving setting out on an adventure not knowing what the legal requirements are going from place to place. Your mind might flash with visions of your family winding up in a Turkish Prison, or being interrogated in a dingy room somewhere. I hope this article sheds a little light on our experiences, and what we’ve learned from several years of family travel. First off, it’s important to keep in mind, that most likely, unless you’re planning to visit North Korea, the people you will encounter at the borders are just like you and me. They have families, they are staring at the clock all day, waiting to get off work and go do something else. It’s actually something to keep in the front of your mind as you go, because if the opportunity present itself, you can ask them about their hobbies, their family, whatever to lighten the mood. It works! I can also attest to what else works: just the fact hat you are there with your family. I’ve been in many border crossings, visa offices, whatever, and the mood is  way different when I’ve brought my kids in then when I haven’t. That’s the whole point of family travel!


Fixed travel plans or flexible schedule?

It’s sometimes difficult if you will be traveling for an extended trip, not necessarily planning out every (more…)

25 – Sailing Connects a Father and Daughter

reliantToday’s show is a great example of how travel connects families! Melissa Frassoni was at a crossroads in her life. All the arrows were pointing for her to try something new. During that time, her dad, Bill, was heading out on what he thought was going to be a solo sailing adventure. He invited her along, she accepted, and their relationship wasnever the same!


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